How Can I Get The Results I Want?

I love this question!  In fact, it is the question of a lifetime.  In other words, most people spend an entire lifetime searching for the answer to this exact question. I don’t consider myself an expert on many things.  And, “getting results” is definitely something I believe I do well.  So, I’ll share what I’ve…

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What is Split Testing?

Okay, now back to where we left off…split testing. You may be asking what is split testing? The simplest way to think of it is a series of left or right kind of choices. For example, in one test, you may test whether visitors prefer the purple background or the blue background. The way the…

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The Power of Asking and Learning From “No”

In the last update, “How To Create An Audience,” I mentioned that it doesn’t hurt to ask. When I wrote that, it reminded me that we may not be on the same page about asking and learning from the word “No.” So… Here are some… Things You Should Know About The Word No Asking for…

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